Sunday, March 28, 2010

Police Officer Explains to Me How My Case is 'Civil'

In many of my posts, I've said that I believe my case should be in the criminal court system; not the civil system. I wanted to pursue criminal charges from the very beginning... Yet, every lawyer I spoke with told me that cases like mine can only be pursued in the civil system. In fact, a few lawyers told me that the police and DA would laugh at the mere suggestion that my case should be considered criminal. As angry as this made me, I accepted that this is the way things are. At first...

This continued to 'eat away' at me though and I mean really eat away at me... I just could not accept that a hospital and doctor could knock someone out against their will and steal six healthy organs without that person's consent and that their actions would be considered 'civil'.

Finally, just last week, I made an appointment to speak to a Police Corporate the division which presides over Mercy Hospital Anderson and Dr. Bradley Busacco's Seven Hill's Women's Health office. I could no longer accept the word of any lawyer. I had to hear it from the police myself.

My boyfriend and I met with this Police Corporate Lt. and told him the facts of my case and asked him if my they would investigate my case and consider filing criminal charges against Dr. Busacco and Mercy Hospital Anderson. He listened to my story and then proceeded to tell me that my case was a civil case. I asked him to explain to me what was 'civil' about it.

He explained that if my house had been broken into and possessions stolen; the police could and would investigate and file charges if appropriate. He went on to say that the police could and would investigate and consider filing charges if my ex-doctor had 'fondled' me in some way. However, since I was knocked out and organs removed in a hospital; this was considered to be a civil matter. I suppose if what happened to me happened on the street and by an man not wearing a white coat; it would be a 'criminal' case.

I really don't have words to express how I felt as I walked away from the police station that evening. I felt physically sick for sure. I felt as if I might pass out. I felt like I wanted to die. I felt a million things and all at once. I felt sickened by the fact that I live in a society and country that prides itself on 'justice' and being the land of the free and the home of the brave and all of that. The officer suggested that I go to the media for help with my case. Of course, I have done that.

I will never accept what has been done to me. I will never accept that I have been hysterectomized and castrated against my will and without my consent and that this is considered by the society I live in to be a 'civil' matter. I followed every safeguard in reference to deciding to have surgery.

1) I got a second opinion. 2) I took a witness with me to my pre-surgery meeting with my ex-doctor two days before the surgery took place 3) I read the consent form given to me at the hospital and realized that the consent allowed for removal of four more organs than what I'd agreed to; not just my uterus which Dr. Busacco and I had discussed and agreed to only two days prior. 3) I refused to sign the consent form and told the nurse I did not want surgery and wanted to speak to Dr. Busacco. What more could I have done to protect myself. I was knocked out against my will (with three family members present as witnesses) and given a total hysterectomy without my consent.

When I was told I had had surgery and that all of my healthy female organs had been removed; I cried out that I wanted to die. To be honest, there are many days I wish that I had died on the operating table that day. The truth of what was done to me in a 'safe' place is much too devastating to think about. I can't begin to comprehend how Dr. Busacco and Mercy Hospital thought they could get away with something so wrong; something illegal.

Now I know. What they did to me is not considered illegal. Theft of organs is not the same as theft of 'material things'. As a society, we obviously place more value on 'things' and we do not value 'human life'. Justice is not blind. We have a very broken justice system in the United States. Money buys justice; not the truth. The truth is that it is the hospitals, doctors and drug companies who put our politicians in office. Therefore, the laws protect them, not innocent and unsuspecting patients.

No matter what any lawyer says, no matter what any police officer says, no matter what any DA says; what happened to me should never have happened and it is 'CRIMINAL'. Dr. Busacco and Mercy Hospital committed the "Ultimate Rape".

As I said via my testimony in Indiana in January with regard to House Bill 1366 (Hysterectomy Informed Consent) “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". This is indeed a very sad commentary on the state of things in the U.S. And, we look down our noses at other countries and their laws. We especially talk about Mexico and how they 'steal' organs for profit. Shame on America. Shame on America when you do the same thing. You just do it under the guise of medicine.

I have a final note about the 'civil system'... It's little more than a joke for many reasons but mainly because of the 'cap' on what juries are legally permitted to award to victims of medical malpractice. Tort Reform has effectively put an end to filing medical malpractice complaints against doctors and hospitals. Tort Reform was put in place to protect doctors and hospitals. There is no accountability - NONE! This creates a very dangerous medical environment for everyone. We need to reform Tort Reform! As it stands now, there's no way to pursue legal remedy.

Of course, there's always the avenue of filing a complaint with the medical board. Forget it! The medical board protects their own. I've been down that road... Filing a complaint with them is a waste of time and ink. Sadly, there appears to be no recourse for harmed patients; especially 'intentionally' harmed patients like me.

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